RIP Sandra Riley
Our range is located on the property of 3 Bulls Farm in Bulls Gap, Tennessee. For Mapquest and GPS purposes the address is 769 Beech Grove Road, Rogersville, Tennessee 37857. (THIS IS NOT A MAILING ADDRESS) This address is for a home about 25 yards from our gate. When you pass our gate the GPS lady will announce "You have arrived." The GPS coordinates above will take you directly to our range gate... type them into Map Quest or simply click on this link If you don't have GPS.. follow the directions below.
1. Take exit 23 and proceed to Bulls Gap on Highway 11E.
2. At the first, last and only traffic light in Bulls Gap, turn right on Highway 66 toward Rogersville and go 5.6 miles.
3. Turn right onto Speedwell Road – watch for a white sign marked Speedwell Baptist Church.
4. Go 1.1 miles and turn left onto Beech Grove Road. Watch as you are turning because on this curve it is hard to see oncoming traffic.
5. Go past the gravel driveway on the left which leads up to 3 Bulls Farm (toward a large white barn with a plum-colored roof) and continue until the road forks. Bear to the left and continue to the top of the hill. The entrance to our range will be on the left side of the road. Look for red and yellow flags on the gate posts, a GCR banner on the fence and our flag pole flying the American Flag.
1. From Kingsport / Bristol take 11W south to Rogersville to Highway 70.
2. Drive through Rogersville on Highway 70 (Also Highway 66) 7 miles. *Note: Highway 70 will turn left and 66 will continue south, stay on 66.
3. Turn left onto Speedwell Road – East TN Iron and Metal will be on the right side of the road across from Speedwell.
4. Go 1.1 miles and turn left onto Beech Grove Road. Watch as you are turning. You will be at a curve and it is hard to see oncoming traffic.
5. Go past the gravel driveway on the left which leads up to 3 Bulls Farm (toward a large white barn with a plum-colored roof) and continue until the road forks. Bear to the left and continue to the top of the hill. The entrance to our range will be on the left side of the road. Look for red and yellow flags on the gate posts, a GCR banner on the fence and our flag pole flying the American Flag.